Wasabi Deviled Eggs with Salmon Roe

These jazzed up deviled eggs are easy, delicious, and nutritious! If you’ve been nervous to try salmon roe, this is a great and palatable way to get some into your diet!! ⁣⁣

  • *8 hardboiled eggs (I used Vital Farms Organic Pasture raised eggs)

  • 1/2 cup mayo (I used primal kitchen)

  • 1 tsp dijon mustard

  • 1/2 tsp rice wine vinegar

  • 1/2 tsp organic tamari (I Used San-j organic Tamari)

  • 3/4th tsp wasabi powder (I used eden foods)

  • 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil (I used eden foods)

  • 1 tbsp thinly sliced chives

  • Salt and pepper to taste

TOP with

*For hard boiled eggs- I like to bring a pot of water to a simmer and then add in the eggs for about 10 and a half to 11 minutes. Then quickly transfer to an ice bath and let them sit in there for about 10 minutes before pealing! There are a bunch of ways to hard boil eggs so do whatever you are most comfortable with!

Cut your hard boiled eggs in half and scoop out the yolks into a bowl or food processor and place whites on a serving platter. If mixing by hand, add in mayo, dijon, tamari, wasabi powder, rice vinegar, toasted sesame oil, chives, salt, pepper and mix together. If using a food processor, don’t add in the chives until after the filling is mixed through. Add filling to the egg white halves with either a spoon or a piping bag and top with salmon roe! ENJOY!!!

rachel mcconn